Free Consultations | Competitively Priced | Organic-Fed Animals
Free Consultations
Competitively Priced
Organic-Fed Animals
We're always welcoming animals to the farm whether it be from a new birth, hatch, or member of our rescue program. The animals shown here are all available to be placed in a new home.
Interested in one or more of our residents? Call us for information on setting up a farm visit!
Call us with any questions!
(609) 760-9949
Reds and Silver laced Wyandottes. These hens are a part of our end-of-season sale!
Four Rhode Island Reds and Three Black copper Marans. These Pullets are the last few chickens left from this years hatch!
We have many different roosters from our rescue program. A Cream Legbar, Brahma, Brown Leghorn, Bielefelder, and Silkie!
This flock was re-homed to us because their owner is moving Tennessee. There are Pekins, Runners, Kahki Campbells, and a Swedish Blue!
Some accidents are good. One of our sows unexpectedly gave birth to three babies! Now that they're weaned off of mom it means they're ready to be a part of someone elses family.
Myotonic Cross goats. This Mom and Daughter pair go together! Both naturally polled, the doe is 1½ years old and the doeling is 6 month!
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